Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I am starting to think that not sleeping is really part of a mother's job. Lately my lack of sleep has seemed to increase, partly due to time change (daylight savings), children, cat, snoring husband and my tendency to be a light sleeper.

Five years ago I was pregnant with my first child Avery.  I worked at the grocery store, was going to school and my body was helping a baby grow... I was tired... I slept A LOT.  I mean I would fall asleep on the couch and not just at home in the student lounges at school between class.  I had to fight to stay awake just to do homework.  Then of course Avery was born and my sleep schedule was all over the place.  Avery was a pretty sleepy baby so I got naps with him while I could. 

My husband Andrew loved being a new father.  He wanted our sweet baby boy to sleep in our bed with us. What is the harm in that? I enjoyed it too because it also helped make night feedings easier and I did not have to go far to know he needed a new diaper.  Then when he got bigger we would put him in his crib and then when he would wake up I just brought him to bed.  Around 10 months old he was mobile and with that came independence and with that came not going to sleep until we did... which meant bringing him to bed with us.

When Miles was born Avery was 17-months-old still sleeping in our bed.  We had the small cradle in our room and Miles slept in that comfortable as long as he was swaddled tightly.  However soon I found myself bringing him to bed too.  All of us in a queen sized bed.

After Andrew's accident the dynamics changed again.  Avery was used to his daddy being the side guard from rolling off the bed.  The first month Andrew was gone I think Avery rolled out of bed every night. Eventually he learned how to make sure not to let Miles roll off... he became the guard.  My babies then were 2 1/2 and 1-year-old.  I needed them close to me to make sure the were ok and for my own comfort.  Sometimes family would take the boys overnight so I could 'get a break', but unless I was truly exhausted I could not sleep in the empty bed.

Andrew was gone for almost a year.  I had never worked on getting the kids in their own bed... and they were not going to give that up.  I also think to Avery he now enjoyed not being the guard anymore.

TBC ---- come back later and I will finish